Objective vs Subjective has been around forever. All credibility is lost when measurements are used to claim a $200 and $2000 piece of gear will undeniably sound the same if the they measure the same. Not stopping there, any item deemed expensive (typically more than a few hundred dollars) is frequently labeled "snake oil". The next step is to hurl insults at any individual choosing to purchase expensive items. Finally, the promoter of cheap but well measuring equipment personally spends well into 6 figure land for a system. Hypocrite with no credibility.
Is it just me or am I the only one that has had it with overly pushy audiophiles that push measurements as the end all be all. I’m not talking about healthy discussions on measurements but obnoxious ones that talk down to you because of the measurements of your system or equipment is not perfect for them? All cables and cords are snake oil to them if it doesn’t register on their meters? Am I the only that feels this way?