Active studio monitors or Hi-fi speakers

Hello everyone.

I am a musician by trade and figured it is time to set-up a proper entertainment center for listening to music. I unfortunately do not have know much about this and decided to post here and see if you can help.

First of all what I am running on is just plan videologic digitheater 5.1 speaker set. I know it sucks but the only think I could afford. My rooms 12X17 and 10' high.

Here's my main delima. My friend suggested that I should buy active studio monitors and just use my computer as a source using my audiophile usb from M-audio. He suggested using Genelecs or some dynaudio's as well as Mackies and hafler. Would this set-up really yeild good sound? What are the trade off of using Studio speakers vs Hi-fi speakers?

Now if I decided to get regular passive speakers what would I get. Would the only other thing I need is an amp or do I have to by a cd player as well. Right now am willing to spend 600-800 dollars, hopefully closer to 600 range. Is this a realistic budget to get good result? If not what is the price range I should be shooting for? If it is possible to do this, would it sound better than using studio monitor or do I get more bang for the bucks using the Active studio monitors?

Finally your suggestion of a set-up pluse budget would be more than appreciated. Thanks alot.

Trade offs:
HiFi: good looks, 'nice' sound, excessive profit margins (some)

Monitor: potentially ugly, accuracy, value for money

I'd go with Genelecs or Dynaudio monitors, maybe the ones with built in convertors (forego usb and connect directly to computer + you can
accurately adjust for room deficiencies) and expandable from stereo
to 5.1, 7.1 or anything else.
Try out some KRK's if you can.The software part is not my forte,good luck,Bob
At this time, the real bottleneck with using a computer for a home theater system is the software. Windows Media Center and Myth-TV are the two main contenders, with Apple's new Front Row coming on strong. Do some research into them, and if you like what

Once the software matures a little more, the active vs. passive debate should heat up. Until then, there's not much to beat the processing power of the dedicated DSP's in a standalone receiver.
Buy a used pair of Vanersteen 2ce speakers first. $600. Budget used up-but you can do no wrong from here. as a studio vs. passive debate, you will never beat the features of these speakers for you. Second find a reciever at this site- the older, the better-with tubes, the best. This will not cost much more but is the way to go. A cd player is $ 60 dollars more. Do not do studio speakers.