Thanks! This will require some more research! If this works, I could feed the preamp out to a DIY splitter box, and put the high pass line level filter to the amp, and the straight signal to the sub all inside a nice looking box.
Active line level crossover with subwoofer out - HELP
perkri OP 👍✔ at minimal $ costing, and robing any of character at present he's getting now from the Spendor BC1’s Cheers George |
A simple solution is to get a set of filters built into RCA plugs That’s what these are that I posted. Cheers George |
I've used a Marchand electronic crossover in my desktop system for several years. It really gets the job done nicely. I did some not-so-rigorous comparing of the sound w/ & w/o the crossover. I couldn't distinguish any sonic differences with it in vs out of the circuit. There are a number of models to choose from. Mine has a variable crossover (very handy). But I've heard the models that use a fixed crossover have that nth degree more purity of sound...? Who knows. Here's mine: Prices from 2016 were $800 for my XM66 (new). If you can settle on a fixed frequency, the XM9 is $600. Both show up used occasionally (XM66 rarely; XM9 not quite as rarely). |
Hi all! Quick note. Thanks for all your help. Built the Xover yesterday - w some cheap caps - and it worked perfectly! Bought 4 different values of cheap caps so we could hear how the system sounded in situation. Those can sit in place until the "good ones" are ordered/delivered Numbers and specs are great, but, it has to he heard in the environment to really know how its working. Sub has integrated nicely. Bass is much tighter/faster/resolved. Sound stage is much better - wider/deeper. For what is essentially a "lifestyle" system, its sounding really good! Think I may be putting similar high pass system in my 2nd system. Small speakers that would hopefully benefit from those low frequencies "mucking up" the works. |