Acoustic Zen or Tyler Acoustics or Dunlavy

There are a couple speakers that have recently caught my eye and would love to hear any opinions. (Yes, I know, in the end it is only my ears that matter.) One is the Acoustic Zen Adagio. One is the Tyler Acoustic D2 (or possibly the new MM5). And the other is an older model-the Dunlavy IV.  Anyone had an opportunity to hear these?  My tastes vary, but classical rock, acoustical, and big band are near the top. Thanks for the help. There aren't many places to audition these in my neck of the woods.

Showing 1 response by brauser

I have spent the last three weeks auditioning speakers in the 5-30K range in Dallas and Denver. In comparing these speakers versus the Dunlavy SC-Vs, these sessions have led me to the following conclusion that most of these speakers do at least one thing better than the Dunlavys, but none of them do as many things well as the Dunlavys overall. I did not hear anything from the two companys you mentioned, but I did walk away with a confirmation that Dunlavy speakers are still relevant vs the best designs today.