Acoustic Signature speed change from 33 to 45

I have a brand new AS table and when I press the button to go from 33.3 to 45, the LED start flashings but when it stops flushing the speed is still 33.3. Then if I turn the table off, and the back on the speed comes up to 45rpm.

The same is true if I want to go back to 33.3.

I have 4 other turn tables, AMG Viella Forte, Bergmann Galder, SME - 30/2A, and an Air Force III Premium, all of then reach the selected speed without having to turn it off.

Is having to turn on-off-on to change the speed a normal behavior for an Acoustic Signature?

thank you



Showing 2 responses by big_greg

Weird.  I hope they help you get that taken care of.  Nice to see they were quick to respond!