acoustic placement/small bright room

I have been dealing with this for about 6 months at least. I have a 13 x 12' room and have been stuck with brightness, actually glare that is a pain to listen to. I have room tune that helps with the imaging but the only thing that I have found to tame the brightness somewhat is absorbtion. I put quilts on the wall, all walls to be exact and it looks like overkill. Everything that I have read on the internet seems to say that it is a bad thing. But it is absolutely necessary to make it listenable in this small room.

Question is has anyone every dealt with this anamoly? Better yet has anyone solved it?

Oh, this is not hardware related. That's usually the response I get.


Showing 3 responses by robm321

Thank you very much for giving me that sanity check!

I am probably going to get some fiberglass Owens 703 or something like that and cover with sheets for now. When I get into a larger room I’ll invest in full on room treatment. As the post by Rives states, I did seem to get an aggressive pressure other than from the high frequency, which I had a hard time understanding until now (midrange). Believe it or not I have dealt with the bass issue. I use corner placement with my speakers and have a bass trap in the corner behind the speakers. The bass is not boomy at all and is actually tight and not bloated.

I do lose the reverb cues and don’t get the air that I do in a larger room but the intimate studio sound is definitely still enjoyable for the time being. Is there any particular placement for the absorption that would work best? I use auralex foam for first reflections. For example where on the walls would it be best to place the panels?

Thanks again all the comments above have been very helpful.

I actually put some 4" fiber glass in the middle of each wall and it worked to tame the brightness and the aggressive midrange. Now I am going to adjust my speakers again since I had them toed out to help with brightness. I should be in good shape now.

Thanks again for the help all!

What is the best placement for absorbtion? The first reflection points or behind the speakers?
