Acoustic felt?

I would like to apply acoustic felt to the front baffel of my speakers. Any suggestions as to where I can urchase such a product?

Thanks, Richard
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yeh I searched high and low and had to settle on the felt at the craft store(Michaels)... I hot-glued about 10 sheets together to get something somewhat thick but still not as thick as the 1/2 thick felt on some speakers (spicas). I used this around the wood sticking out on the front baffle of my jbl l-200's but I cannot really tell that it dampened near reflections that much
What is the expected gain you are seeking and any possible drawbacks to the felt idea?
Most craft stores will sell felt, in various colours, which can be cut and layered to build up the desired thickness/size. Very inexpensive, easy to do; pick up some double sided tape and you're in business.