Accustic Arts, Ensemble, KAS Any recommendations?

Anybody using and had a chance to compare these interconnects? What could I expect?
Accustic Arts 'Silverline'
Ensemble 'Masterflux'
KAS 'Maestro'
Prices are all about the same. Currently using Accustic Arts speaker cables with excellent results. A big step over Cardas Crosslink. Time to replace the Crosslink ic.
System: Audio Aero Prima amp and cdp, Kinima g1 speakers and Van den Hul power cords. Any help would be appreciated and thanks.

Showing 1 response by tobias

OK, if anything goes, then the Masterflux is the only one I know. In a few words, dimension, quickness, definition and purity. My notes from the first listening sesion: diminished digital artifacts. Female voice rounder and more three-dimensional. I hadn't noticed before, but the music had been layered and flat-sounding, like a Disney cartoon background. Harmonies and timbres became more subtle and relaxing, and the music made more sense. This is not a small difference. There is not a different sound, there is more music.