Accurate vs Musical

What is the basis for buying an "accurate" speaker over a "musical" one? I am very familiar with most audiophile jargon but this is one that confuses me. Musical to me means that the speakers convey the "air" or/and overtone of instruments.

"Accurate" on the other hand is what, the accuracy of a single note? If accurate does not convey the space of an instrument, how can it be defined as accurate? I can understand why an "accurate" speaker can be used in a recording studio or as a studio monitor but for casual listening/auditioning?

Thiel is an accurate speaker but Magnepan is more musical so which would truly be more faithful to the original source? Someone please clear this up for me. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by pbb

False proposition.

Accurate certainly does not mean "single-note" accurate as you mention. First of all speaker systems don't reproduce notes in the sense an instrument does. The waveform is the total of all of the notes, fundamental and harmonics, being played as well as whatever constitutes ambiance. So to use "accurate" in the pejorative sense attributed to it by the subjectivists is wrong. An accurate speaker will strive to give you what was recorded, no more no less. So when a speaker is touted as being "musical" you can be sure the touting is done by subjectivists, who are very nice people indeed, albeit a bit confused and prone to proselytizing. Two things remain fundamental to proper speakers: accuracy in the frequency range and wide dispersion, the rest is all well and good, but should come in addition to these.

Since the whole thing is a game anyway and nobody really gets hurt (except maybe your pocketbook) listen to a wide array of speakers, but do try to limit the other variables (room, associated equipment and the music you use to evaluate) and just be open-minded and honest with yourself. You may wind up buying speakers you like. The one thing that was usually said about accurate speakers is that you wouldn't tire of them after the new wears off. This is quite probably true. On the other hand, you have some on the edges of subjectivist audio touting the merits of stereo console sound of years ago, so, at this juncture in hi-fi, anything goes.

BTW “accurate” is “musical” when the recording is!