Accuphase Vs Parasound

Hi guys! I’m considering purchasing a used E-560 for USD 4000 to drive my Elac Adante AS-61 (85dB) . Im quite new to this hobby, so I’m hoping to be able to get some advice from more experienced listeners here on this. Do share your thoughts. Thank you 🙏

Just some background, before I saw the E-560 on the used market, I was planning to go for Parasound Hint 6 or Parasound P6 pre and perhaps A21 / A21+ (that’s apparently coming out in a couple of months). Right now I’m just using a Yamaha Aventage rx-a1060 AVR so it’s not ideal for music listening.


isn’t the DAC on the P6 the same as the one on the parasound integrated?

According to the president, no. In an e-mail to me he wrote that the P6 DAC was there for convenience, but he was quite proud of the DAC in the integrated. I haven’t looked at them close up though.

I will say, kind of related, the Parasound ZDAC is a very nice performer for price. :)

@erik_squires - that's interesting that they would say that.  Based on pictures, it doesn't look like the preamp boards in the new HINT 6 are any different that what is placed in the normal P5/P6.  I suppose the preamp section would be better because it's fed by a linear power supply from that big transformer instead of the normal switching power supply in the P5/P6, unless Parasound decided to move to linear power supply on the P6.  There is additional circuits for the resistor-ladder volume control, of course.  However, the P6 weight is exactly the same as P5 weight, so I find it unlikely.
The Zdac also has a full linear power supply, so it also makes sense that it would sound good, and probably better than the DAC/preamp in the P5/P6.
This is the response I got from parasound on the preamp

"the P6 and the HINT 6 preamp sections are the same. As you recall, this was not the case with the P5 and the Halo INTegrated." 
at 85 db efficiency, you shouldn't consider any amplifier less than 100 watts into 8 ohms. You should also look at the impedance curve of your speakers and ask how well the amplifier performs at the lowest impedance of the speaker. The Anthem STR integrated amp is quite compelling at $4500, especially with its built in room correction capability for bass. The negative of course is if you already have a good preamp... the room correction option requires you to use their preamp section
Hey guys! Thanks for all the feedback. 

I'm now deciding between:

A) Parasound Hint 6 or Parasound P6 pre and perhaps A21 / A21+

B) Naim DAC + Naim NAC 282 + NAP 250.2 (used)

Do share your thoughts on the differences between these 2 set ups. Much appreciated. 
