Accuphase e800 or luxman m900u for sonus faber olympica nova 3

Hi all
Currently I have an aw250R electrocompainet equipment and I pre-loaded 4.8 mk2 with some sonus faber olympica nova 3 and I am thinking of improving my amplification.
I like the accuphase E800 and the luxman 900 preamp and stage.
They offer me the C900 exdemo at a good price, about 8000 Eur and giving my previous would stay at € 6750, they offer me very little for my previous when it is not a year old, it is practically new and costs 3 times more, you think it is worth it the change.
The idea was to take the previous luxman and leave the electrocompainet stage for a while until we could go through the luxman stage.
I would also value other brands that you would recommend if with this I make a leap in quality, I have also looked at pass, I do not know the model, but it may not go wrong with my boxes.
I appreciate your opinion, I have to make a decision soon.

Thanks a lot
Greetings to all

Showing 5 responses by riaa_award_collectors_on_facebook

Gerry, Im talking about BRAND NEW...not used prices. Dealer COST on the combo is 21K.
Half of my collection is Tube Amps...7 of them. Variety is the Spice of life.
I know MANY people who had the Accuphase E 800 including Myself. The same people also have the Luxman all cases the Accuphase was Sold and the Luxman was kept. What does that tell you???
Accuphase in my opinion excels at female vocals and lightweight stuff. It certainly dont Rock!!  Luxman is far and away the better all around amp. You can ask several other people on this forum about a comparison between the 2 (GreginNH, Jaysaudiolab, Joeinid) Can probably come up with another name or 2 once my brain starts working this morning
Not sure what dealers you are using but your claim that an Accuphase E800 costs more than the Luxman 900 Combo is ridiculous.  I purchased my E800 for $12,500. In Canada I could have gotten it for $1000 less.
Please let me know where I can get the Luxman 900 Combo (Which retails at 35K now) for that kind of money (Or less as you claim) and I will buy a 2nd set today.
What do you mean Jay didnt buy any of the Luxman product? He certainly did. He purchased it from Suncoast Audio in Florida. I still have a Brand New in the Box Luxman 900 Amp that I got from Jay...he had purchased this amp at least 3-4 times before From Mike at Suncoast.  Dont talk about things you dont know about.  As far as Ayre products go....I had a VXR Twenty amp and the TOTL Pre-amp KXR-Twenty.  Know the worst thing about Ayre gear....trying to re-sell it especially after Charles died. NOBODY wants it anymore. You Buy it be prepared to be stuck with you better love it.  I had to trade my KXR-Twenty to Jay just to get rid of it!!!
No...What you said is that he didnt purchase the Luxman gear which is an outright lie.
Jay Keeps nothing so that aspect is futile to bring up.
Who said anyone spent Serious Money on the VXR Amp? Stop putting words in people's mouths and twisting the actual facts. I bought the VXR and KXR- Twenty Pre Amp for less than 20K combined from Paragon Sound in Michigan.   I never sold the VXR....I traded it in towards ARC 160M and got more credit for it than what I paid originally. Trying to sell either piece was futile.
Poor money management? Yep thats me!! Retired in 2009 thanks to my horrific job at trading stocks at the ripe old age of 45. You WISH you made as many "poor money management" blunders as me.
Any AYRE Dealer if being truthful will tell you they hardly sell any of their product. Its not a popular brand at all. Some will tell you they get ZERO phone calls for an entire year concerning that Brand. Certainly not bashing the quality of the product but like many other high quality brands it just isnt in vogue and never will be.
Looking forward to more of your backtracking and lies.