Accuphase DP570 vs. Luxman D10X

Anyone have thoughts on these two players? Accuphase DP570 vs. Luxman D10X. Accuphase has a ES9028PRO chip. The Luxman has new DAC chips from ROHM MUS-IC BD34301EKV. Anyone have any idea how these players should compare? One is the entry level from Accuphase and the flagship from Luxman. I am a bit worried the Accuphase is overpriced for what it is as the McIntosh MCD 600 is built around the same chip in quad balanced mode from what I can find.

I have found dealers where I can listen to both. Accuphase is special order though, but dealer is willing to bring it in with no commitment if my interest is high. I realize I may be at a big disadvantage in trying to decide around these as it will not be my speakers or room, if I can even tell any difference. I am thinking of taking my bookshelf speakers in that I am familiar with, but it will be a new room and two different ones at that. The price for either is similar.

I am not sure I would built the rest of the system around either of these two brands and have been instead leaning towards Classe separates. The costs of separates from Accuphase or Luxman seems incredibly high. Neither of these make streamers, so I would eventually need something like an small Aurender or streamer to use with the players as a DAC. The other option I am thinking of is to go with a Simaudio or Auralic streamer.


Showing 2 responses by denon1

I had accuphase 560, nothing special. Currently have accuphase dp-750 and luxman d-10x.  Both are great. But accuphase here in US way overpriced even if you find a dealer with a good discount it’s still will cost more than luxman.

To my ears and in my system, the luxman d-10x sounds better - more open and dynamic. Both players extract great amount of details and both when burned in for at least 200 hours are very musical. I will keep luxman since I like it’s sound more.

Accuphase dp-750 retails around  $32k in US and Luxman d-10x is $16.5k.

The dp-570 is not in the same league.

Hi Jayant,

my system 

cables  - all audience from row

integrated - luxman 590axii

speakers - Sonus Faber Amati tradition. 

latest and the best tweak  that made a big difference in the sound of my system is addition of townshend podiums under the speakers - real audible improvement.