Accuphase DP-77 or DCS P8i?

I am upgrading my trusted Marantz SA-11S1 (anyone interested please drop me a line). I also want the player to be able to be used as a DAC for other digital source, and I pretty much narrowed it down to the Accuphase DP-77 and DCS P8i as both looks great on paper to my needs.

For me, I am an Accuphase fan and now using their E-530 to drive a pair of Dynaudio speakers. Going with DP-77 for sure would have some synergy and would be good to look at cosmetically. And I do like the build quality and reliability of Accuphase products.

The biggest plus for DCS to me is it has digital volume control and from what I read in Stereophile review, it works great directly with power amps. As good as the E-530 sounds in my system, I still feel like a bit more power from an separate power amp for the Dynaudios, and it would be great I can save the pre-amp with the DCS.

Which one would you go with, if both can be get at similar price used?

(If you want to ask, I listen to mostly Classical, orchestra work, then some vocal and Jazz. I like the sound to be "musical" but I believe a good player can be both detailed and musical).

Your thoughts are much appreciated!

Showing 2 responses by pap

I have the Accuphase DP-77 and it is a superb machine. The Accuphase also has a digital volume control but you should be aware that any cd player attenuating the digital signal in this way causes a drop in resolution.

I have found the Accuphase to be the best I have heard on regular CD's and a further revelation on SACD. It has received rave reviews in Europe.

I would also suggest that you connect with Accuphase cables, the basic ones will do. These are the best kept secrets and even the cheapest at around $140 outperformed some big "name" silver cables that i paid $1200 for.
I only just saw your response . It is no surprise about the digital volume. Apart from the resolution issue, I think a good pre-amp will usually do more good than harm to the overall sound.

Take a look at the Q & A with Accuphase engineers in the following link:

I'm not sure whether the DP-77 is a balanced design but I would usually try the balanced cables if the pre-amp had decent balanced inputs.