I wanted to update this thread that I started couple years ago when I was in search of my ultimate audio system.
I ended up going with Full T+A HV stack to match with my Sonus Faber Liliums, after auditioning some of these components with the Liliums and comparing to McIntosh and few others.
The system includes: 2*M40HV, A3000HV & PS3000HV, P3100HV, SD3100HV and PDT3100HV, in tri-amping configuration and of course the two Sonus Faber Liliums. I topped it with Acoustic Signature Montana NEO turntable. This combination sounds just wonderful, grand, detailed, warm, simply epic like I’ve never heard anything before.
All components are sitting on Finite Elemente rack system, another elegant understated precision work of art IMO. All interconnects are Nordost Valhalla2, including power cables for the M40HVs. I upgraded all T+A cables with their Power Three HD and am using couple of Power Bar HDs for the numerous power distribution needs (and you do need a lot since P3100 and SD3100 has two power sources for separate Analog and Digital sections). I am an Electrical Engineer by training and know fully well what engineering prowess went into the design and implementation of all these components, and of course the finish is superb (not to compete with an amazing work of art of the SF Liliums).
I am enjoying listening to both Analog and Digital music, through the just added Roon Nucleus Titan and streaming through Qobuz. The system gets better and better with usage and sounds phenomenal. Mainly, I listen to Classical and Jazz. The Violin and Cello instruments come across so wonderfully, so does Choir and Organ music, just Epic!
Shout out to David Schultz for his great support in helping me answer questions and being there throughout my search and decision process and even after ownership when I had couple minor issues to resolve. Such a wonderful person to talk to and great representative for T+A, a great reflection on how the company truly cares how people are using their product and values their feedback and satisfaction.
I know there are not many dealers in the US, but if you have a chance (as I did) to travel where these are on display or to trade shows, make sure to go for a demo. You’ll be blown away in a good way.