Accuphase 85 or 75v...or EMC-1?

I am soon to get a Pass Labs X-1 pre, and will run it single-ended, for the time being, to a Classé DR-8 amp. I need help in deciding on cdp. I know the Pass prefers balanced, but how will it interface (in the meantime) with the above? I guess I'm asking several questions, here. Are either companies' cdp's more compatible w/balanced or single-ended? Which of the Accuphase sounds better on redbook; how does the Accuphase "champ" come out against the EMC? (No, I don't care much about SACD, and don't see it being much of a force for 4 years or so; interestingly, they're much more available (at very attractive prices, too), for the time being, than the 75v...)

Showing 2 responses by audio999


I have compared the DP75V and DP85 on the redbook side by side couple months ago and heard the new 25 hours DP85 slightly better than DP75V.

SACD : Another planet !!

My local friend still has his DP75V,so if you are in LA area,please email me at !

We can compare the DP85 with his DP75V side by side and let's your ears be the judge.

I know there are several owners of the DP85 who previously had the DP75V in Audiogon. How do you guys compare ?