Acarian Systems Black Orpheus Speaker Cable

Has anyone ever heard of / tried this cable before? What did you think of it?
I've used the bi wire version with the Alon MkIIs and they sounded great. The bi wire version of Wireworld Equinox III were a little better but they cost twice as much. In the end, I purchased the Wireworld but still have the Orpheus cables around as backup.
Currently using them with Alon IVs tri-wired 8 foot. They were a dramatic improvement in clarity and imaging over the DIY cat5 tr-wire harness I had been using before.

Mark H
i have had good luck with monster 2.4s with my alon II's.

it was better than the tara bired shotgun master generation cable ($2200) and harmonic tech, xlo, and zen in my system.

i would be very tempted to try them if i could audition them first. especially for alon speakers...carl does things for a reason and his products are very revealing..

good listening,

I use them on Alon Lotus SE's and find them to be excellent. I also don't have a problem with zippy highs. If you need a tri-wire cable these are a no-brainer. A comparable tri-wire from a "cable manufacturer" would be dramatically more expensive.
Using them tri-wired with Alon V Mk II+ and I doubt I would better them anywhere near the price. They were substantially better than AQ Type 4+ and DH Labs T-14/Q-10 in a tri-wire set up. BTW, the DH Labs were pretty good wires for the price. I like the tonal balance and flow, and I do not have the "zippy highs" problem posted above. Good luck.
Used them on Alon IV speakers. I thought for the money they were very good. Tried other wires and found that improvements did not justify additional cost.
Only draw back is I thought the highs were slightly zippy. However that could have been the tweeter natural tendency. Give it a try. Good luck.