AC cord polarity?? Does it matter???????

I've just noticed that from experimenting with preterminated factory builty cords that not all companies use the same polarities. Even with two stock cords, one from USA made in China and one from China made in China for USA the polarity of the cords are reversed. All my Synergistic cords are one way, my Electraglide is the other way and other cords from different manufacturers are different. The poles are reveresed from one cord to the next. Now I'm really confused to the polarisation issue as if different companies use one polarity and other companies use the reversepolarites, then it's a guess wether or not one system is in the right polarity or if just certain components are properly polaroized. It appears that in the US made cords I've noticed both direct and reverse polarity in cords. The Asian made cords are different depending on company as well. Does this then mean that polarity has no issue and it doesn't matter? Is there no right or wrong way to polarize a components ac? The cords in my system are giving half my components one direction of ac polarisation and the other half are in reverse.Perhaps it doesn't matter? I'm confused again!!!!

Showing 1 response by fatparrot

Huh?! In the USA, the small blade should be "hot", and the large blade should be "neutral"...end of story!