Dragon...I am in Switzerland. I know all about Andreas who is a Swiss living in Cali. He is a DSD godfather. I dont know him personally, though I have met many of the people behind the famous Swiss Brands like Dartzeel, CH Precision, Audio Consulting, LumenWhite, SoundKaos, Colotube, FM Acoustics, Heil AMT, Goldmund, Piega, Weiss, Merging, Illusonic, Manufacture Le Son,Rowen and Stenheim. No contact wth Boenicke, Studer/Revox, Soulution, SwissSonor, etc.
I also know that MERLOT IS PROBABLY BETTER DSD THAN THE PBD MPD-5, etc. Since Lampi DSD, many have stepped up their games. Its all good for the consumer. DSD is best with the least amount of processing possible applied.
One last point, Lampi is not just a tube buffer stage stuck onto a Digital section, the Tube stage is intergral. Part filter and part amplifying. The beauty is the minimalistic signal path this approach entails. So minimalistic that if you pull out just a single component the circuit collapses. Its one road leading to Rome.
I also know that MERLOT IS PROBABLY BETTER DSD THAN THE PBD MPD-5, etc. Since Lampi DSD, many have stepped up their games. Its all good for the consumer. DSD is best with the least amount of processing possible applied.
One last point, Lampi is not just a tube buffer stage stuck onto a Digital section, the Tube stage is intergral. Part filter and part amplifying. The beauty is the minimalistic signal path this approach entails. So minimalistic that if you pull out just a single component the circuit collapses. Its one road leading to Rome.