About the preamp section of my integrated

A friend of mine helped me take a look inside my integrated. Just killing time-neither of us know anything about electronics. Still, it was a bit of a revelation. Very dirty! dust, cat fur, human hair, and even the sort of goo you imagine finding in a smokers lung. what I observed was that the pre-amp section was given very little room compared to the amp section- not a big suprise. But I was amazed by how messy and crowded the preamp section was by comparison to the amp section.I cant imagine how any techinician would be able to find anything in such a tangle of wires and with so little room to move about. My guestion is is this standard? enevitable? Or, are better made pre-amps to benefit from more room & orderly layout. What is proper?
Thank you for the words of caution. If I do so I will invite another person I know who has some experience with this to help me.
Dust has remarkably little effect on solid state electronics, because the voltages are low and the circuits are high current low impedance. Tube electronics are a different matter, because of the high impedance high voltage circuitry. When the voltage gets really high, like for the CRT of a TV set, dust is attracted to the high voltage area, and can actually short it out so that the set won't operate.

Clean it out if that suits you, but don't try to do such a good job that you damage something.
Thanks Lrsky. Its a Denon. I figured that the amp section needed more space due to its larger parts and the amount of heat they might generate. The amplifier does get warm. It is beyond warrenty now, so I didnt think there would be any harm in looking. My friend says it does need to be cleaned, but that it isnt in terrible shape as yet. He also suggested the compressed air would be a way to do this. What I think I am curious about is, in the ideal does the preamp section benefit from more space and order? Is heat a culprit there as well? or can it be? Or do a lot of preamp sections- regardless of price, look this generally cramped and messy and still function basically as well as the very best models can? Looking at it as I am- someone with no experience and only observations, I am sure its possible that what I see as cramped and messy could very well be quite well laid out( given, as you say, constraints) , so I am not being critical as much as curious. Anyway- thank you for responding.
Space, the lack of causes such snafu's. The part about all the dirt is not good. Get some compressed air and clean that out. What is proper, is what works, to keep the signal 'clean' from the front to the back, but that is not always a priority given price constraints.

Fires have been known to start when dust and heat meet, a little alitteration, (oops did it again). But seriously folks. The amp section usually needs more room because of the large caps etc. Don't let the layout, (not the dirt) necessarily bother you.
Just curious. What is the brand?