about stereophile magazines recommendation of belk

hi, i read this article and figured for a low price to give it a try. i unhooked my wireworld violet usb and the belkin usb gold does a few things well [details] but so far i am not impressed[especially the ambience]. in the story they mentioned 'balanced' and i may have got the wrong cord possibly. i am using this between my mac with pure music and my m f v-dac. any ideas?, thanks john

Showing 2 responses by rdavwhitaker

So I'm clear, are you a "snobass" if you advocate using expensive cables to transmit a digital signal between a computer and a DAC, or are you a "snobass" if you make fun of people that do? I want to make sure I'm both calling, and being called, the correct names. ;)
Thanks, Audiofeil, that clears it up nicely! If I'm going to be called names, I want be sure it's the right one!