? about oppo

what is all the hype about, are they really that good? and if so , why would anybody buy a thousand dollar player? has anyone used one with powered speakers? if so , which ones? thanks doing research on a small system to do video and music in a 10 by 10 room...

Showing 1 response by tiger

oppo products once again demonstrate that the price/performance equation in audio/video is elusive. As we all should know, it is amply at work in the 'cable game', and the 'mod' movement.

I have two oppo players, one I use for audio, the other for video. Both units perform exceptionally well, even measured against my hi end sony and cal labs tube units. You would do well to just buy the new oppo unit that recently came out and stop looking for anything else. Buy it on Amazon, it gets you free shipping and a no hassle, no cost return policy. Let your ears tell the story, not marketing hype of the hi-end press. I was shocked that the hi-end gave oppo such good reviews, it could destroy their business model.

Once you have done so, it is important that you never listen to any other player, ever. To do so buy's into the very costly hi-end game.
