Aavik U-150, U-180 or U-280

Dear users, i need your input on the following topic - which Aavik integrated amp to choose...

I-280 (no Dac, of course)

U-150 with Dac and phone, +1400 eur vs I-280

U-280 with Dac, +700 eur vs U-150

U-150 successor is U-180 or U-280? it's not clear to me; i have seen that amplification is the same in both series, differences are mostly on exterior looks i think.

I am inclined to pick U-150

Is Aavik D class integrated a good fit with Wilson Sabrina? a dealer of both products in Germany told me they are a good match.


Thank you!


Showing 1 response by steve59

Aavik is soo expensive I would appreciate knowing what you guys had previously come from