A way to listen to a large collection

I’ve discovered a great way to deal with an intimidatingly large collection of CDs and records.
 It would take much longer time than I have on this earth to go through them all, so I’ve found a way to really enjoy the variety.
What I do is, without looking, just reach blindly for a disc on the wall and, no matter what it is, play it through in its entirety.
 It’s amazing how enjoyable this is.  Things which I would not ordinarily choose become currently viable.  After all, I bought them for a reason. There’s no reason I shouldn’t like them!
I found that when I conciously pick a selection, I’m very choosy, considering the sound quality far too often.  This way, it’s like getting a new present all the time.
Re-discovering wonderful performances I’d forgotten about (and, coincidentally, enjoying the sound quality for what it is, more than I would have if I had been searching for good sonics.)
I highly recommend this procedure!

Showing 2 responses by rvpiano

Funny you should post this now.
 I just,within the last hour, downloaded Tidal.
As I just remarked on another thread, the SQ, at least on my set, is slightly better with the CD than with Tidal. Perhaps more musical ( I know that’s an amorphous term.)  
 I agree, also, that there is something “very special about pulling out an album.”