A track list I bet many of you will LOVE. COOL Jams for a HOT summer...

I put this list together for an audiophile buddy of mine I hadn’t seen for while, and whose taste in music is (mostly) parallel to my own. At this local audiophile meetup, our host only had Qobuz, so virtually all the tracks I had planned to play weren’t available (my list was on Tidal). These are mostly tracks that I knew ’Dave’ (and the group) likely hadn’t heard before, OR were tracks no one heard for a long time. So, I thought the group here at Audiogon might enjoy as well. I have about 7 or 8 more playlists I’m working on that are genre specific, and of course a ’test track / system show-off’ list, but many of those tracks aren’t really music that I would normally seek out to listen to for enjoyment... beyond evaluation and having my ’analytical’ hat on... Anyway... here are some ’COOL jams’ for the HOT summer :-)

If you don’t have a Tidal account, you can hear snippets of each song, but really, every one of these songs has some ’gold’ in the track somewhere, so the short snippets aren’t going to do much for you. Looking them up on a service like iTunes, or even youtube will give you a better sense as to what’s on here.

Also, I’ll have to say that while I love Qobuz, Tidal absolutely owns them when it comes to breadth of material...


Enter a ’www’ with rest of this URL to see the list: tidal.com/browse/playlist/171473d3-b2d7-4b3b-ad7d-d401e27acbcd



I made the list specifically to be ’under the radar’ tracks/artists that my audiophile buddies (all music nerds) haven’t heard. I dug DEEP for these gems... Enjoy :-)

I've only heard of 11 of the listed artists. I think I must really be out of it.