A system for my college-bound daughter

UGHH!!! Usually, the thought of creating a new system would be fun, but it's my daughter, and this time it's not. 

Sources wanted: Turntable, CDs, Airplay Streaming

Cost: Would be nice to keep under $1K, certainly under $1,500 (true… that's less than the cost of a cartridge in my main turntable). Way less is fine and encouraged, but I don't want to buy her crap and have her go down the wrong road.

Why I'm finding this hard: WAF but at an even higher level (Teen Acceptance Factor!). She likes the way Crosley looks, but even she admits the sound is crap. Hmm, Peachtree might work. I used to have Peachtree Nova. It was overrated, but it would be a fine start for her. The only thing is that the one with integrated wireless would consume most of the cost, leaving little for speakers and a turntable (I'm sure I could get a cheap solution for playing CDs).  

Showing 1 response by bob540

Sean Fowler has his “Zero Fidelity” videos on YouTube. This one is his recommendation for affordable quality amp and speakers. Your daughter could stream through the system or add accessory equipment.   Worth a look:
