A simple question from the new guy ....

I have never listened to vinyl played with good gear. Are the pops and hiss still there when played on a good system? How about on a brand new record.....still there? I am constantly tempted to give vinyl a try, but I know the pops would drive me nuts if it is anything like I remember from long ago.

Showing 1 response by tobias

What I find interesting about the better vinyl playback gear is that it seems to minimize the importance to the music of those pops and ticks. They may be there, but they don't bug me.

Some TT systems seem to exaggerate surface noise. Perhaps this is because their system resonances fall in the same range as the pops and ticks, but whatever the reason, I would not want to live with them if I had the alternative of a good digital source.

However in my view it is not right to generalize and say all vinyl is subject to surface noise, therefore I can't relax as I listen to it and I won't consider vinyl for that reason. One day you may hear an analog system which makes the music so much more important than any noise that you feel you could enjoy living with it.