a rumored Allison subwoofer! found and bought now need plate amps ! suggestions please ?

howdy ! in my quest for a different fix for a vintage superlative sub i found and bought TWO of the uber rare Vintage Allison push pull passive subs !

i now own two!
need a electronic subwoofer now ! ( or two ! ) 

the sealed cabinet is pretty good sounding sub ! quite clear and went clean down to 20Hz as per Roy Allison ! ( no doubt w/ the electronic subwoofer! giving assist ! ) 

local pick up had to hire a guy on CL to go get them fr seller.  

seller ? he refused to ship them tho he has audio business! OK VERY  strange ! 🤣hopefully they arrive whole and undamaged ! shall i have him ship them w/ the grilles on ? I think so!

An Allison ex-employee had told me : "There was also a really terrific double push-pull passive sealed sub ,same driver as ALl130" oh ?

so yes! we found some ! need some plate amps now ! any suggestions ?

here it is !

turns out they even made 18" version as a commercial product SO

we would consider measuring and upscaling these to 12" ( or larger ) so we can find / use some servo sub drivers!  

If you are wondering why ?

the push pull meant 20% less harmonic distortion one was electricly backward but acoustically in phase

These were reviewed in Stereo magazine many moons ago by the infamous Julian Hirsch ! 🤣

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ok here they are w/ out grilles ! This is weird why so difficult to post a ( expletive deleted )  photo? old style clunky platform get modern folks please! 

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There are quite a few plate amps at MCM. I put one in a homemade Madisound sub relegated to outdoor duty.

Parts express.madisound.enjoy the hunt. Or buy a new used sub and borrow that one.