A ridiculously cheap cable riser.

It’s made by Grip-Rite, who named it the "Individual Plastic High Chair". It’s intended use is to support the rebar rods employed in the laying of concrete, and can be found at Home Depot in bags of 20 for $5.08. That’s just slightly more than a quarter apiece!

To use simply slide your power, speaker, and/or interconnect cable through the two raised "arms" that form the open semi-circle you see in the pic (what you can’t see very well is the flat circular base of the Chair). Or, if you wanna get really nutty, loosely stretch a rubber band between the two arms, thereby creating a bridge across the open semi-circle, upon which will rest the cable, 2.5" above the floor.

Cute, ay? ;-)






Showing 1 response by nonoise

I started out with my SCs about 2" off the floor using some Ikea glass candle holders that go for about $0.49/each. Same for the power cords.

What I found was when I raised the SCs higher, the sound got better and anything above about half a foot didn’t make a difference anymore (I must have reached the offending limits of the synthetic carpet I’m stuck with).

Not having anything that could suspend the SCs that high, it occurred to me that my system is pretty close to the front wall so I ended up using some Command Wall Hooks that use double sided tape to suspend my SCs with.

If your SCs are thin enough to fit within the hook and you’re not obsessed with the looks, they work really well. That, and vacuuming is a breeze with nothing to lift out of the way.

All the best,