A question on a B&W high pass filter

I have a B&W 800 series variable high pass alignment filter for my 803 matrix speakers. I have never used it & wondered if I need to? What would I be expected to hear? Or should I just sell it & forget it? Also, what is the thing worth? New, in box. I never hooked it up since i had no idea of why I would need to. If you can help me understand this question, please answer. Thanks.....
the high pass filter is an eq that is preset for all 800 series speakers.

its been a while since i used one but i do believe that it gives a better bass response,i cant imagine not trying it out before you sell it off ? high pass filters only sell for around a hundred bucks.
It sucks throw it out! Your better off without it.They are noisy and really don't do a whole lot.If my memory serves me, most users either go without or sprang for the Northcreek or other aftermarket filter. I tried mine once and took it out ( 801 matrix ) and enjoyed my system much more without it.
Has any of you ever bothered to check why the stock B&W Filter sucks? Guess not or else these comments wouldn't be posted.

Look at the puny power-supplies that barely can do 50-100mA. Open that filter’s hood & take a deep look at the crap parts sitting inside (thanks to a 3rd party assembler that B&W entrusted the job to - so called Manby Electronics & probably at a contracted rate).

In short, the circuit is great but the assembling dudes did a shoddy job, hence it sucks.

After almost a decade, I took that Filter & worked on it. Fully reg PSU with 2.5+ amperes juice using encapsulated transformers in today's age of common SMPS. Heavyduty AWG 16 screened wiring to kick RF goodbye, all internal parts scrapped & substituted using Vishay Bulk-foil resistors that are very, very expensive, again expensive Teflon Multicaps & fully buffered active input stage with output impedance of 10 Ohms!

BTW - I've the Krell filter too. The fully modded B&W filter now walked over D'agostino's Filter like it had it for yesterday's breakfast.

My motivation was spruced up after 2+ decades; having vaguely remembered that I came across an article in 1988 written by a Matrix 801 S2 owner (an EE tech guy) in a magazine 'AUDIO' (that mag is years' history) towards the correct way to use the Filter with the implementation of a top-notch active buffer BUF03AJ/883 MIL spec to lower the impedance.

Tip: Filter MUST be placed either before the audio signal entering your Pre (between analog OUT from source to Pre) OR in the Tape-loop of the Pre (if it has one). Never between Pre & Power.

Now, enjoy your Matrix 800 series! They rock big time.
I found this thread via google when I was researching a question about these filters. I was able to get a B&W 801 high pass filter. This one doesn't have the dip switches to set the filter to a specific 800 series speaker. It is preset for the 801 series B&W speaker only. Would it be bad if I used this filter along with the B&W Matrix 805 bookshelf speakers? I haven't tried it yet and don't want to risk damaging the 805s I have.

The short answer is that you probably won't damage your speaker (as long as you don't overpower them), but you also are not going to get much benefit. The filter is preset for the Freq. response of the 801. The variable filter allows you to set the response to the various models (See this link for detailed specs-http://kenrockwell.com/audio/b-w/800-series-bass-alignment-filter.htm). If anything , it might muddy the sound of the speakers. A third party manufactured these devices, and the parts are kinda crappy. If you really want to use the filter, I'd suggest selling this one and keep looking for the variable version with the DIP switches. Good Luck!
Hi Elee

Thanks for the input. I'm following your suggestion. I wonder if I do get the variable version if I should pay to have the parts upgraded. From pictures I've seen of the interior it doesn't look so bad. The power supply I couldn't tell though if it was shoddy.
Don't know what you are willng to spend, but your other options for better quality are-
1-Get the original, upgrade parts yourself if you have the expertise.
2-Look for a used Golden Flutes Filter specific to the 805- I haven't seen many for sale, and what people are asking is IMHO (upwards of $800) not worth it.
3-Look for a used Krell unit, which has internal switches to set for any matrix series model ( will probably run 1200-2000)
Hi Elee

I'll work on the original and then save up the money to upgrade the parts after listening to it for a bit. From the pictures on the Ken Rockwell site the box seems small and really tight space for a novice like me to work with.

I have seen the Golden Flutes appear on a popular auction site for about what you stated. The listing got pulled before I could ask about it.

The Krell unit looks nice but huge. I only saw it on an old Audiogon listing from a year or so ago. I think the Krell unit will cost significantly more than what I paid for the Matrix 805 bookshelf speakers.

Have you heard of the Anodyne filter that was made for the B&W 800 series speaker line? Another member had told me about it but I couldn't find much info about Anodyne. I guess they were a boutique maker who is now out of business.

Thanks again.

I 'm aware of the Anodyne unit, but have never seen one for sale. I'm currently using the Listen Up Maugham Box for my 801 SII, haven't updated my system picture though. Not positive, but I believe they only made it for the 801 model.

Oddly enough, when I got my 801's, the High Pass Filter came with the speakers, although they were supposed to be an extra. However, I was given the Filter for the 802. I used this off & on for years.

When I got the Maugham box, the improvement was subtle but noticeable-deeper, tighter bass, with an improved sense of bass tone and notes. I miss that extra depth without the filter.

Good luck.