A Preamp Question-- CJ or BAT

I'm looking for a new preamp for my system. Heard lots of good stuff about CJ 17LS, although it's single ended. BAT seems to be good stuff too, but heard it's a little colored and better for brighter systems. The CJ is more expensive than I would like, but if it's really that good. I'm using Nautilus 803's with Rogue 120.

I like neutrality and definition, but also like full, fleshed out sound with lots of depth and soundstaging. Anyone experienced with CJ 17LS and BAT 30 or 31SE?

Showing 1 response by czbbcl

I had a CJ 17ls before upgrading to a CJ 16ls II. I love CJ equipment I find it extremely accurate and very musically involving with a soundstage that is both wide and deep. I do not know what the others refer to as the CJ sound. Accuracy I speak of comes from experience as a musician (piano) with my daughter (piano and violin)and son (piano) Although admittedly I have never heard BAT so I can not comment on their equipment. I understand they are very well built as is CJ. You should really try and listen to both before you purchase.

I would not let balanced or single ended connectors make my decision these are design preferences and should be treated as such.

Happy Listening
