A Preamp Question-- CJ or BAT

I'm looking for a new preamp for my system. Heard lots of good stuff about CJ 17LS, although it's single ended. BAT seems to be good stuff too, but heard it's a little colored and better for brighter systems. The CJ is more expensive than I would like, but if it's really that good. I'm using Nautilus 803's with Rogue 120.

I like neutrality and definition, but also like full, fleshed out sound with lots of depth and soundstaging. Anyone experienced with CJ 17LS and BAT 30 or 31SE?

Showing 1 response by charliee

I recently visited local dealors to see and hear the CJ, and the BAT VK-30, my listening experiance was a bit the
opposite of what you have been hearing or reading.

The Conrad Johnson pre, along with a CJ amp was very smooth
and a bit warm to me, but beautiful sounding components. I
listened with both tube and solid state amps.

The BAT pre, was used along with a solid state amp and I
cant recall what it was. But it was differant in sound to
me in that it was on the nuetral and detailed side.

Sorry I dont have the powers of description like some do,
but thats how they struck me. I bought the BAT becouse I
thought it was the better match for my amp,( Theta Dread

Also for what its worth, the BAT is far better looking,
and seems like it's much more ruggedly built. The CJ's
gold finish would be too hard to live with for me.