A pragmatic view of cartridge expenses / many questions

Trying to see what your thoughts are on cartridge expenses? Do you buy cartridges and replace or retip after it’s worn? Cartridges are like tires for cars in some ways. You have to replace the tires after they wear out.

If you own an ultra expensive cartridge, let’s say, over 7k, is that your main spinner? Do you do a factory retip at costs exceeding thousands? Do some of you who own high cost cartridges use them only for special occasions, similar to drinking Dom Perigon for some special event, and use a normal not so exotic cartridge for regular day to day use and perhaps non-audiophile records.
I am sure each of us have our own price threshold and thoughts of high end cartridges. I only said 7k, because that seems to me a fair price point to describe a very expensive cartridge.

My thoughts are that having a few normally priced cartridges around is a good thing, due to the wear and tear, and replacing or retippimg would also be less costly. I do lust after some high end cartridges and if I do obtain one, my philosophy would be as described above. Enjoy for special occasions, and use a less costly for normal day to day listens. Geez, it feels like we are trying to separate our car cruises from a sports car feel to a luxury limo ride feel, in some ways. 
What’s your opinion on expendability of cartridges?

Showing 1 response by fleschler

Back in the 1970s and 1980s, the rubber suspension material would harden in 3 years while the stylus was still good (1000 hours).  This was due to the smog in Los Angeles area.  By the 1990s and using my highly modified SME IV, cartridges (stylii) lasted 2,000+ hours and I upgraded cartridges.  Now I need to replace a worn stylus and was warned never to give it to Soundsmith.  The worst part of being an audiophile is installing a cartridge.  Getting the overhang is easy with an SME.  Getting the correct VTF is not so bad but the VTA is a pain with an SME and takes many hours, especially since cartridge break-in is about 50 hours.  I HATE the process.  

I will not pay more than $3,000 for a new cartridge.  I have the option of trading in a Benz Ruby 3 for an LPS since Benz stopped rebuilding them to everyone's regret.  I really like the sound of the Ruby 3 so the LPS should be as good or better (per reviews).   The alternative is a Kiseki Purple Heart or maybe a Dynavector.  The Koetsu is too expensive and not matched to the arm.   Lyra's and Ortofon's appear to have more detail than a meaty sound.  I like a cartridge to sound like the Benz.