A plethora of turntables - help needed!

So my son managed to jump and land on my old Thorens TD 145, so I’m now in the position to buy a new turntable. I was (ironically) going to live with the Thorens until the kids moved out and I could get a Linn LP12.

I own two amplifiers: Rega Brio 2 and NAD 3020 and a pair of Proac Tablette 50 Signature speakers, though I am willing to get new/bigger speakers as well.

I’ve narrowed down my turntable options to these (currently available with prices):

Systemdek IIX (Ortofon OM 10)

Linn Axis (Basik Plus tonearm)

Linn Basik (Akito tonearm)

Thorens TD280 MKII (Linn K9)

Rega Planar3 (Linn K5)

Thorens TD2001 (Sure V15 MVR)

Braun PS-500

Thorens TD166 mkii (Goldring)

I prefer a neutral sound, the less fuss the better. Any help from this sub is most appreciated!
I am familiar with Linn Decks owned by myself and friends.
A Linn owner friend also owns a TD 124 that has modifications carried out on it.
I introduced this friend to a Lenco GL 75 that I gifted to them and this become the go to TT until they purchased a SP 10R.

The Lenco GL 75 is a worthwhile addition to your list, it has a great following where methods on modifications to further the performance are easily discovered, even though it is a different drive system, being an Idler Drive and not Belt Drive it will be a very good experience to share in.
I bought the TD-2001! I’m so stoked. The Shure V15 V-MR cartridge itself makes this an excellent deal.

@jerryg123 - If I could borrow a time travel enabled Delorean I would go back a couple of weeks and put my savings on Man Utd - Liverpool 0-5 and then buy myself a penthouse with the most ridiculous audiophile setup there is, and TOTALLY forget I really only meant to save my TD-145 from my sons Olympic ass shenanigans..

The Thorens TD-145 is simply such an eye pleaser in every respect, and it had served me so well. Even tinkering with it was pretty easy. The only issue I ever really had was with the plastic anti-skate control (which snapped straight off during said sons Olympic ass shenanigans).

I’ll bring it with me to my local audiophile store when I get the TD-2001 checked on and see if they could fix it and sell it.

Again, thanks for the fun and helpful discussions. I’ve only been a lurker on this forum, but seeing as I got much better response here than on those other forums, audiogon has now become my favorite!
I waited too long and missed the Basik/Akito (dang!)

Garrards are a bit too much 70s scifi control room for me (am I banned now?)

I found a reasonably priced LP12 but I’d feel a need to do the upgrades ASAP, hence out of my league.

I’m set on buying the TD-2001! The reviews are all superlative and if that’s true it could rival the LP12. I’m thinking about building a new plinth in my cabin woodshop. 
Thanks all!
The Supper is a good one too. It has a 10mm platter shaft vs 8 MM.

I really likes the wooden version of the small footprint TD166 MKII, stock tone arm. It has all the latest Thoren upgrades and just about ZERO mechanical rumble from the super light platter.. It works extremely well stone stock and with an OK cart.. No need to break the bank.. Ortofon MMs will work perfect..

A mat, some added isolation never hurts. 250.00 for a plinth.. 50 year TT with a belt every 10 years.. :-) A rebuild for 50.00 and another 50 years..


If you really want that LP12, I say do what you can to make it happen. Hold on to your Tablettes, put those funds towards your Linn. Enjoy that turntable sooner than later.
I have the Linn Basik / Akito in one of my systems and love it. That's a bargain price. The VM750SH Shibata cart I'm using really makes it sing. Haven't had any issues with it in all the years I've had it.
I’ve used and had just about every light TT ever made.. Linn has something to work with. I’ve only found a FEW I really didn’t like they were always automatics..

BUT I do have a great time with Zero 100. I can make that pile of dung work perfect. It never EVER got close to sounding good, but I can sure make one work in about 30 minutes.. I have a few all polished up.. I’m not much of a Garrard fan. I have a 401 50hz and had a few 301s..

Click my page you’ll see a Russco.. I call them Garrard Killers... I keep 2-6 around for projects.. I love them...

Thoren 121-124s excellent I have a few that I actually use.. I think they are the best, hands down of ALL the oldies..

AR too, what a great design.. Very simple.. Wonderful TTs. The Tonearm was the challenge on ARs.. After market would fix one right up..

Is crash landing an Olympic sport now? ;)
I’ve had no luck finding a good deal on a TD-1XX, I’d love to own a TD-124!

I’m talking to the guy who’s selling the TD-2001. OK - it doesn’t have the fab looks of the older Thorens but it has a small footprint and the model seems to be praised and acknowledged as a serious deck that can give the newer TD-350, and the older TD-160 as well as the Linn LP12 a match. Pity it is too far away so I can’t test/hear it out first. But for sub $400 it seems like a bargain.

Would be fantastic to get some insight from someone on the forum.
Jump and land on it? Olympic material?

Any of the older Thoren TD121-166 MKII (smaller foot print), add the tone arm you like with an adaptor. The Stock tone arms on Thoren are usually pretty good. Just a little tune up here and there.

ALL the stuff to turn them from good to a great TT is under 200.00 for everything. If you're a DIY 50.00. A fancy plinth is 2-400.00 or make your own.. I keep a cool 6-12 on hand just to fool with.

I usually get 2 good ones from 3 bad ones. Close...:-)
