A philosophical question.

I want to pose a sort of philosophical question about our listening to music.
The obvious answer to the question is that we should listen to whatever we damn please. But the query is: should we be happy listening to our favorite composers and compositions, or should we feel guilty about not exploring new horizons and music we’re prone to hate?  For me, the obvious bitter pills are such as Liszt, Neilson and Bruckner, not to mention the Second Viennese school.  We run the risk of close-mindedness by ignoring that which we don’t know and missing out on what what glories might be out there.  On the other hand, we only have so much time, and there is a universe of more accessible music available.
I just wonder if this dilemma has crossed anyone else's mind.

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Oh yeah, same thought has crossed my mind many times. There are brand new records still in the wrapper just sitting on the shelf. Bought for whatever reason but then when there’s time to listen what do I put on? Something I know.

Its the same when I go out. Osso buco, lamb shank, if I’m in a good restaurant and that is on the menu I am all over it. Why? Because nine times out of ten trying something new is just not gonna be all that good. The odds are so stacked against it you wouldn’t believe! Its so bad, one time we went to this ice cream place that was all the rage in trendy downtown Redmond. Okay you say, ice cream! What’ll it be.... flannel? WTF? Who wants flannel ice cream? Sage? RU kidding me? Apparently not.

Its taken me years, but finally at last I have worked it out. The System is for deep enjoyment of music I love. Everything else is for the trial and error. If I hear it in the car or supermarket or on the laptop and like it enough to want to hear it a few more times then maybe it can run the gauntlet and make it onto the platter.

That’s just the beginning. Then we listen and it winds up going into one of a few categories from suitable for warmup to the highest of which is demo quality with tears. Emotional catharsis. Can only take so much of that, so these tend to be played only towards the end of the evening.

That’s the long answer. The short one is, Neilson maybe, Nilsson yeah baby!