A nightmare regarding streaming?


Many of us stream daily and have many cherished playlists. I happen to use Qobuz and have lost more than one playlist. No clue as to why. Qobuz has no idea either.  Perhaps something in the cloud? Is it possible to back up all your playlists just in case there is a meltdown?


Showing 2 responses by fastfreight

I feel your pain @lovehifi22 !  I have lost years of extensive playlists when my Roon Core crashed.  Now on roon I export all playlists to a pdf.  Since Qobuz and Roon sync I have redundancy if I make a Qobuz playlist at the same time I add songs to my Roon playlist.  And I can back up my Roon Core.  Not sure about backing up straight from Qobuz, they have not lost any of my stuff yet!  I listen across platforms, as I have Roon at home but Auralic Lightning at a weekend home.  So Qobuz is nice as it syncs with both. 

How do you export a Roon playlist to PDF?  Thanks

Hi @cfa88  I had to try a few times to remember myself.  Open the playlist and click the three dots to the right of "Play Now"


Click export:


Now this does not seem to work currently on my ipad but does work on my macbook.  Hope the screenshots made it.  Ken