A new ploy for fraud?

I recently got an inquiry on one of my ads (not here on Audiogon but on another site) for a pair of interconnects. After a few emails back and forth, we agreed on the price of $90. The prospective buyer then said he is in England and would like to propose an (unusual!) payment method. He said someone in the states owes him $3000, so he will ask this guy to send me a check for $3000, I am to cash the check and then WIRE him the difference ($2910 in this case). Of course I said thanks but I deal in cash. I never heard from him again. Has anyone experienced this?

Showing 1 response by jothompson

This same guy from England tried to buy an amp I was selling. I caught on up front and am trying to help the police now. He will buy an item as reported and have a third party send a cashiers check , which is bad and worth nothing. I actually received the check and the police will soon have it, but he like before wants the balance wired to Nigeria. He used the name Jick Thomas. Be careful!! He sent me $4000.00 for a $700.00 amp. Told me to keep $300.00 for my troubles. The moneyorder was from Allstate Bank, this bank has had this happen many times and can verify quickly if it is false.