A New MC to Catch One's Attention

The Link is showing a most recent Cartridge on offer from Audio Technica.

From what I see in the sales spiel, there are a good line up of what would be Ticked Boxes to get the model noticed.

There seems to be plenty on offer to get one's attention.




Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

"Romancing the Stone" comes to mind.....

....and do any of us really go away?

(I heard that...)

@rdk777 ...destroy your phone and move Anywhere Immediately.

Settle your affairs and become a nomad.  Buy dirt in multiple locations but don't go there, have facial surgery.  Become hard to find.  Hire a 'white hacker' to 'erase' you and those you love....

Try hard to not become too paranoid. *L*

Some dreams hide nightmares....there's too much suggesting the latter for those who've lived it.