A New Believer

I have listened to many systems over the years, and have never appreciated the difference speaker cables can make to a sound. In fact, I was so skeptical of the sound changes they can make that I have always not bothered with any special type of cables, generally going for generic (and dare I say it) roughly made ANY copper wire plugged in to amp and speaker. Well, imagine my surprise when I decided to do a blind test and listen to what difference cabling can make. Wow, my Vand 3A Sig's had been getting strangled! (some of you guys may want to strangle me if I told you what connects I had been using). So I am now a firm believer, cables DO make a difference.

Showing 2 responses by grannyring

I have always been amazed when folks argue about this subject. If you can't hear the difference, then no difference exists for you folks. Stick with lamp cord or whatever you seem to enjoy. Others that can hear a difference should continue to enjoy the "better" sounding cables they have settled on.

What is left to argue about? Some can't taste, see or smell differences as well as another. Seems we are really all uniquely made by our Creator.

Wire is no different than any other component or part a signal has to pass through. All these parts impact the final sound. Caps sound different. Transformers and wires sound different. Volume pots sound different etc... Some can hear it and some cannot.

We all love music and share this in common :-)
You were told to listen for yourself and decide for yourself. If your music sounds better, then you have your answer. Try a few different cables and see for yourself.

That really is the only answer possible. The rest of this stuff is noise really my friend. Just listen. This is quite the opposite of faith. You are requiring first hand experience of something you must hear to act on. Nothing about this hobby should ever be faith based. It should be based on actual experience with the given item.

After having experience you will decide if there are improvements or differences.