A must watch YouTube video on stylus in the groove!!!

Google Applied Science LP you tube.  Should be right at top.  Look at those grooves and how the needle is Bouncing!!!!  Now explain how important antiskate, null points, etc are.  If you thought your stylus was running parallel to the smooth groove walls Well so much for that.

This guy is selling nothing in this video.  No hypothesis to let his ego get in the way and no conclusion.  Well  I thought some of the more technical guys might get a bang out of this, regardless if it might make you rethink  your own hypothesis.

Enjoy the ride

Showing 5 responses by millercarbon

Did anyone bother to actually watch and listen to the video? This is not slow motion. The guy clearly says at 3:30 "in order to make a decent image the scanning electron microscope requires about 10 seconds per image". 

Where is the stylus bouncing? The jerky motion is simply the guy is doing stop motion. Like claymation. Stop motion. Lord. All this BS because some noob don't even know wtf he's looking at. And 5 years old at that. 

The only thing dumber is trying to say this has anything to do with seismic waves. Oh wait, what's this?
All of this was predicted by Zoeppritz in 1907..it has to do with seismic waves that travel thru the Earth.

So Zoepprotz predicted a YouTube video in 1907. The last thing he did, no doubt, before being beamed aboard the mother ship. 
Word salad to you. And that is your lack of understanding and vision. And dont send me a stupid private message like the one you sent in early March. You draw a blank. Tom

So you admit you didn't watch the video, didn't listen to even one single word, and so know precisely zero, but are blathering word salad anyway.

Well at least you admit it.

Oh, and the PM in early March? That was trying to stop you from doing real harm to another member. A very kind and innocent member who if I let everyone know what you are doing now you would be outcast. Persona non grata. To bring that up, congratulations, you just sank to the absolute bottom of the barrel.
Let me guess- you watched precisely.... zero seconds of that video. You have absolutely zero idea what he said. Zero comprehension, for sure.

How many phono cartridges have you built, theaudiotweak? Zero?

How many years experience rebuilding phono cartridges? Zero?

So no wonder the number of things you got right is: zero.

A dazzling display of word salad. Slather some Blue Cheese on and you got something.
Link? Because pasting Google Applied Science LP into youtube gives the same electron microscope video as 4 years ago and its not motion.

Anyway, the phenomenon you think requires rethinking is called jitter.
Bear with the slow intro, its as fascinating as it is relevant.
Can't wait? Skip ahead to 20:20 for jitter