A move has me thinking of a CD changer....?

I have moved to a city that is too far away for any quality FM stations....ie: no Jazz, no NPR/public radio stations..etc. simply two or three Country stations...

I have a very good extensive CD collection and both of my systems CD players are single disc players....so the question is, are there any good sounding CD changers? I could also use a changer with an outboard DAC. And no, I am not putting down Country music, it is just not what I choose to listen to. And to me, online/streaming is too limited in the dynamic range and frequency band width.

Showing 2 responses by shtinkydog

If you're thinking of a basic 5 or 6 CD changer, you're always going to have this problem:  the random feature won't always work.  the player will occasionally only shuffle between 2 or 3 CDs, and not the whole 5 or 6.

I've had 3 changers, and they all did this, a Parasound, a Sony and an Onkyo.  The only thing that would help was to unplug it from the wall for a few minutes.

OP: I have the Onkyo that donvito just mentioned.  Not very reliable as far as random play is concerned.  Out of the 3 brands that I've had, that's the worst one for the random feature.