A moment when you realized better sound was possible.

In 2001 i bought a car with an upgraded JBL sound system. As the years went by I got used to that sound, and one day I was listening to a CD in the car, and when I got home brought the CD in to continue listening. The sound on my home system was flat, dull and dead sounding in comparison. That realization started my on a quest for better sound, and years and dozens of speaker/amp combinations later, my home system sounds much, much better.

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In the very early days of CDs I definitely heard some problems with them, although I was instantly enamored with the lack of pops, scratches, wow and flutter, and background hiss. One thing I could hear was a hissing around flutes that I didn't hear on LPs. This was later, I believe, recognized as problem with early CD players. There was also a buzzing sound in one of my Telarc CDs. Chariots of Fire lacked the atmosphere I percieved on the LP. I'm not sure if that was a change in the mixing or an effect of the CD players back then. I haven't heard that LP or CD in ages now.  By the year 2000 I no longer preferred LP. I still have the recordings where I originally heard the hissing flutes and the other one with the buzzing. Both effects have been long gone for years now even on the cheapest DVD players. It's fabulous to me that after countless playings both of these CDs are no worse for wear.