A moderate priced dac

I borrowed a musical fidelity tri vista 21 dac from a friend and I was very impressed with the sound compared to my parasound p5 pre. This dac is over 10 years old. Has the technology changed enough that a moderately price dac can compete?Any suggestions?

Showing 2 responses by audioman58

A excellent natural sounding dac Audio mirror, and has 
a Lot of options.$1500 and up is very good especially 
for a vacuum tubedac  and madein U.S.A.
Audio mirror use a lot of junk look at Chinese connectors cheap sink , Elna silver selector switches night and day better fr $40then $3 junk zinc part
cheap Chinese $15 transformer ,not good , grounding also mentioned into question ,UL approved -I doubt it .
i almost bought it Lamoizator Amber 3 night and day better and tube rectifier not 50 cent diode and UL ,EU apprioved for $2750 
best sounding dac $6k or under. Look at 5 star review enjoy the music .com then hesr it for yourself.