A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair.

Specifically I am searching for those speakers possessing a relatively flat 8ohm impedance curve and a true (8ohm) 92db sensitivity that are at a cost of $5000 USD.

I currently own Fritz Carbon 7s SE  MK2. 


Showing 2 responses by paulcreed

I think the reference 3a Decappo would be a sideways move against your Fritz and you might prefer the Fritz, I own a pair. Try the Ref 3a Reflectors 92 db 8 ohm they are a total different speaker but same flavor as Decappo. It’s just a speaker that could help end the chase, used you could pick up a pair in your range. I run them with a 50 watt class A tube amp.

OP thats a good move and Fritz speakers are very nice and he is I super nice guy, $5000 can buy a nice speaker in the used market there are a lot out there take your time and have fun don’t forget about Joseph Audio Pulsars if you have enough power.