A life sentence!!!

If you were forced to keep one component in your current audio system for the rest of your life, which one would it be?  For me, it would be my beloved Revel Salon 2 loudspeakers.  Happy listening.


Look at how much joy this stuff has brought humanity.i enjoy just reading this thread.may you all stay healthy and happy.enjoy the search and the music.sometimes it is the journey.

@vetsc5 Couldn't leave out my Dahlquist DQ10's, been with me going on 40 years. Long had plans to modify with the mirrored configuration and better crossover parts, time running out!

At this point, I’d have to say my Rogue Audio RP-7 preamp and/or my Fyne Audio F-702 speakers.  The longest I ever kept a component was my McIntosh MC2125 power amp, which I purchased in 1980 and traded in 2022.

For me l have to humbly nominate my Goldring G900IGC hyper-compliance Van Den Hul Gyger 1 line profile MM cartridge.

Arguably the finest UK MM cartridge of all time. The newer Goldring’s since 1990 just can’t extract the same detail from the groove.

Footnote:- Don’t wear your records faster than you need to is logical too… it has to be another plus point tracking securely at Goldring’s recommended nominal 1.25gram.

Hello SNS,

In reference to your desire to upgrade your DQ 10s I highly recommend 


They’ve been my go to source for years for all things Dahlquist.

They’re located in upstate New York.  I’m quessing that you may already be familiar with this company.  But let me suggest that you go ahead with your upgrades as life is short.  You can scratch those upgrades off of your “what if” list.

Enjoy the music