A.I. music

Possibly of interest: "the current rush to advance generative AI technology could be "spiritually, politically, and economically" corrosive. By effectively removing people, like musicians, from algorithms and tech that create new content, elements of society that were once connections between people are turned into "objects" that become less interesting and meaningful, Lanier explained.

"As soon as you have the algorithms taking music from musicians, mashing it up into new music, and then not paying the musicians, gradually you start to undermine the economy because what happens to musicians now happens to everybody later," Lanier said.

He noted that, while this year has been the "year of AI," next year the world is going to be "flooded, flooded with AI-generated music."



Showing 1 response by barts

Of course we are in for a sea change in just about everything and no I personally don't think it's a good thing.  I don't mind change...it the rapidity that bites you in the butt.  

I recall 30 some odd years ago as a software developer when I realized all of a sudden that anything can be faked.  It is just bits and bytes, and manipulated properly can produce anything you can imagine.  Was scary to me then and even more scary to me now.  Particularly because it seems today's youth seem to accept whatever is on a screen (obvious generalization).

@mahgister Please understand I respect the width and breadth of your knowledge base...to me it's simply a matter of "to much to read".  All the best.

Hold onto your shorts because they're trying to pull them down!

