A Hidden "Feature" of the Cornwall IV

The Cornwall IV is so sensitive in all respects.  Source, cables, power, time of day, recording, tubes---it is so revealing of changes you make.  I won't say it's scientifically transparent.  Instead, I'd say that it's overtly shows a difference with every change you make.  That can become a game or enjoyable in its own right, and draw you away from the music.

The good news is the Cornwall IVs are clearly a musical speaker.  This translates into most swaps of gear in and out sounding pleasant in their own right.    

Here's the problem:   I can easily sit tight with the Cornwalls and any decent setup of attached kit. But it is so utterly intoxicating to hear so many different things play with the Cornwalls.  

Curiosity killed the cat.  This cat might end up in bankruptcy!

What a wonderful loudspeaker. 

Showing 10 responses by ozzy62

@jbhiller is getting slightly more than me, but I’ve been on the payroll a little longer.

So here is my obligatory Cornwall plug of the week. The Cornwall IV is an awesome speaker and you should buy a pair.

Now I just sit back and wait on the check. Bet you wish you had a gig like this..........
For anyone that thought I was one of the haters from my post, I assure you that's not the case...........
I have owned klipsch speakers in the past that I felt needed and benefitted from various upgrades. Even though better crossover parts would surely be an improvement, I don’t have any issues at all with the CW IV that lead me down that road. In my opinion, they need not apologize for any facet of their performance.


@kcpellethead The CW IV is very satisfying without subs. But I have a large room and like the added fill at the lower frequencies. Most people would probably be fine with the speakers sans subs.

Head throbbing treble.   Searing treble w wrong amp.
  To much treble.  
As mentioned.  How much is klipscch paying you.  ?????

Spoken like a true neophyte. Have you heard any of the recent klipsch offerings? My guess would be “no”.

It’s always fashionable to bash klipsch speakers so newbies like to pile on and virtue signal. It’s what they do.

newer models are easier on the ears with the correct amplification.

The same can be said of older models. A lot of people have listened to klipsch speakers with cheap receivers or SS amps. Not a good combination. I had 1976 khorns with Voti xovers and damped midrange horns and the sound was excellent with tube amplification.

Yes, tubes are generally key with horns.

I thought they really came into their own after the 200 hour mark. And I agree with your perception of these great speakers. They are not only loud, brash rock speakers, but can do well with any genre of music. People that turn up their noses at the Cornwall IV don’t have a clue.
