A Black Box to Solve Everything

Tubes vs. solid state?? There's a thread out right now about this exact question (there always is), but I didn't want to take it off subject. So my question is; is there a device that could go between the preamp and amp that has variable harmonic distortion capabilities? I know there are tube buffers, but they are not really addressing the point because they use line level signals and don't have the distortion of a good 300B tube being pushed beyond its limits. My thinking is that of a black box with switches and knobs to adjust harmonic distortion to mimic different tube types. It would also have to have a bypass switch so we could readily and quickly A/B the thing. Any ideas?


Showing 1 response by dynamiclinearity

It isn't as simple as adding higher tube distortion. The Carver concept of transfer function actually works though, to  signmake a solid state amp sound like a matching tube amp, which is exactlly matching the electrical output of two amps. But I suspect the reverse won't work, matching a tube amp to a solid state one. Carver did the comparison matching one of his amps to I believe a Conrad Johnson. The listening panel agreed(after 2 tries I think). And I personally spoke to Gordon Holt and he confirmed that Carver suceeded.