A bit overwhelmed, need preamp advice

Hello! New Guy here...

I think the pre-amp must be the most challenging component to buy. It's like the master controller and brains of the whole system and I am having a hard time with narrowing my choices down and was looking for some advice.

When I setup my home theater system it was a much easier decision and I ended up with a Proceed AVP-S. Well, I've been selling all my HT gear and want to move back to a simple but very musical two channel setup.

Speakers are Snell B-Minors, my amp is a Bryston 4B-SST, and the front end is a California Audio Labs CL-25 but I am getting rid of the Proceed and the Cal Audio and moving to a RAID1 music server setup that I've built and ripped my 2000 CD's to Flac with exact audio copy.

I need to find a replacement for the Proceed and the only thing that will be connected to the pre-amp is a Musical Fidelity M1DAC.

The Proceed is a little on the dry analytic side, and I was looking for something that would add a bit of warmth, focus and 3 dimensionality and better depth and soundstaging. But not too much warmth and bloom!

One of the challenges is that whatever I get, the bass has to be pretty controlled which is why I got the Bryston. The Snell's have a 12" woofer and the Bryston is able to really take control of it.

My budget is about $1500 usd and I'm looking for some suggestions.

I was thinking of the Rogue Metis Preamplifier with the Magnum upgrades for $1,495.

Or the Placette Passive linestage with the remote for $1595.00

I was hoping I could get some thoughts from folks that have had these and let me know what you thought. The other thing is what are the downsides to a passive linestage? I've heard you give up dynamics for transparency and I'm not sure I can live with that.

I listen to literally all kinds of music so a good soundstage, accuracy, musicality, and dynamic range is important. Sorry for rambling but please chime in if you have any thoughts.


Hi David,
I don't want to totally discourage a preamp, but with 1 source, I really recommend you run your computer to the DAC and straight to the amp. I don't know what server program you are using, but Foobar 2000 has a digital volume built in and I bet the others do too. If you want to find out just how capable your amp is, there is no better way or if you want to find out how transparent a preamp is when added in, this will tell you very quickly. Experimenting is free and this just might be very rewarding...
In your price range I`ve read many rave comments on the Doge8 tube preamp.
No I am definately open to used items as long as it is easy for me to get them serviced and the item is relatively low maintenance. I have some questions I'd like to ask you so I'll send you a pm.

You have Snell B-Minors! How cool. I've never run across anyone else that has had them. I've thought of upgrading them many times but I haven't come across anything that's not around $10,000 that would replace them. If you did replace them, what did you get?

Yeah that is a real challenge for me. The only stores in my area are boutique very high end stores. So it's going to be pretty much sight unseen. I have gone through a lot of equipment that way, but it's part of the adventure I guess. If could afford a Pass Labs or ARC I would just get that, I have a great dealer in my area. If I could afford it I would just get the XP-20 from Pass. I have been keeping an eye out for a used Bryston BP-25.

Hey man, I hadn't really thought of that before, duh! I am using JRiver Media 16 with Asio4all with the volume control bypassed because I understood using it threw away bits, but once the M1DAC is in the chain, the results could be interesting. I shall give that a go and see what happens. Right now I am waiting on a Logitech Touch, then the M1DAC then the pre-amp. The server is not in the main listening room. I will definately check that out first.

Thanks Charles, I will check that out, I am definately leaning towards a tube pre in my price range, thanks for the recommendation.
The Doge 8 is undoubtedly the best preamp under $2,500. It lists at about $1,500 and is available from Pacific Valve. It is beautifully constructed and also has a very good phono stage.

If you are interested in Pass, maybe give Mark at Reno Hifi a ring. He has a great trial policy and may have something used in your price range. Believe he also has a sale on this month.

Another pre I would look at is a Modwright 9.0. Used it will be in yourprice range