A $250 Power Conditioner?

Howard reviews the Puron, which is a small AC power conditioner ($250 USD) "plug" that is distributed by Vera-Fi Audio. It’s said to cleanse the electronic circuit that feeds and audio system. Many tweaks cost a pretty penny for little or no performance increase. Is that the case here?



Showing 5 responses by ozzy


Try plugging the Puron directly into the wall outlet that your system (TV) is plugged into. Your power strip may be doing some filtering.



If you view my systems page, you will find that I have a Niagara 7000, Dragon power cords etc. Great equipment!

But the Puron still improved my system. So, give it a try, you may be surprised.

P.S. I also own quite a few iFi units.



I’m not knowledgeable how it is constructed, but it DOES improve the audio and video. And isn’t that what this forum and hobby is about, to share info?

You probably should actually try one and then comment. There is a money back guarantee.



I owned the SR Galilo SX power cord for a while, and I thought it was too aggressive in the high mid/treble region. 



I totally agree with what facten has stated in his reply to your posting. That is, there is probably different levels/strengths and/or technologies that separate the different units.

Try a Puron and then compare it to your iFi unit.
