96k/24bit files on B&K 31/50

I have a B&K Reference 31 that I recently purchased. I also have had a Squeezebox Touch for a number of years. I am trying to play some HDTracks 96/24 files through the Squeezebox digital outs to the B&K through the coax SPDIF. I get no sound but the B&K indicates that it sees PCM 2.0 96k files. If I downsample the files to 48k (or play the 44.1k files i ripped from CD) everything works fine. I burned the 96k files to a DVD-V disc and tried to play them through the SPDIF of the Blu-ray (Panasonic DMP-BD55). Again the B&K shows PCM 2.0 96k in the display but nothing comes out. If I change the settings in the Blu-ray player to downsample to 48k everything is fine.
The manual (and the display) for the B&K implies that it can decode 96k. Is this incorrect? Or am I doing something wrong?
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.